Jessica Cejnar / Friday, Oct. 9, 2020 @ 5:28 p.m.
Uptick in COVID-19 Cases Cancels Burnout Competition; Sea Cruise Still A Go, Chamber Director Says

Courtesy of the Del Norte Public Health Branch
• Crescent Elk, Smith River Students Test Positive for COVID-19
• 29th-Annual Sea Cruise Hits The Road Starting Friday
With seven new coronavirus cases reported to the Del Norte Public Health Branch on Thursday, the Burnout Competition — a new unofficial Sea Cruise event — has been canceled.
Del Norte County currently has 21 active COVID-19 cases, according to the county's online Information Hub. The new cases include a student from Crescent Elk Middle School and another from Smith River School. The students did not contract the disease on campus, according to health officials.
Six of the new cases reported Thursday were connected with a known COVID-19 patient, according to the Public Health Branch. Those with active disease are recovering at home.
The Burnout Competition, scheduled for Friday at Frank's Heating and Air in Crescent City, has been postponed to next year, Cindy Vosburg, executive director of the Crescent City-Del Norte County Chamber of Commerce, said in an email. All sponsorships from 2020 will be honored at next year's competition, she said.
The 29th Annual Sea Cruise Show and Shine Rolling Museum is currently under way in Downtown Crescent City. A closed sanctioned cruise in the downtown area will start at about 6 p.m., make three laps and then head toward Pebble Beach Drive.
The event will continue with the main portion of the car show at 10 a.m. Saturday at Beachfront Park in Crescent City. The show will be held rain or shine.
"The importance of Social Distancing and wearing a mask when not able to social distance is critical," Vosburg said. "Help keep each other safe by adhering to these requests."
For a schedule of Sea Cruise 2020 events, click here.