Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Wednesday, May 25, 2022 @ 4:59 p.m. / Community, Education
Del Norte Unified Superintendent Responds to Robb Elementary School Shooting

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In the wake of the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Del Norte County Unified School District Jeff Harris urged parents to talk with their children and offered resources to help them.
From a Del Norte Unified School District Facebook post Wednesday:
Everyone is aware of the tragic events that took place at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, yesterday. As educators, parents, and members of a small community, it is difficult to comprehend the impact that this tragedy is having on the Uvalde community.
Usually, those closest to a tragic event experience the highest levels of trauma, but in this case, social media and the news bring these events into our homes and lives.
Each student will react differently to this type of trauma, and it is important that we all be supportive of children and how they respond to this event. Some children may be angry; others may be scared, and others may have no reaction at all or even be aware of what has occurred. Regardless of how a child responds at the time, the majority of students are resilient; however, some children may experience more intense short-term reactions or could take longer to process these events.
If your child has been affected by yesterday’s events, please talk with them about it, and in the links below you will find tips and strategies on how you can discuss these difficult topics with your family. Please remember, too, that our school site psychologists, counselors, and counseling techs are ready to help any student who may be having a difficult time coping with this tragedy. We encourage you to reach out to your child’s school if you think your child may need extra support during this difficult time.
Please know that your child’s safety is and always will be our top priority, and we will continue to work closely with all of our local law enforcement partner agencies to help ensure that our students are safe at school.
I ask you all to continue to keep the community of Uvalde and those directly affected by the tragedy that occurred at Robb Elementary School in your thoughts and prayers.
The resources are available under this post on the front page of