Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Tuesday, June 7, 2022 @ 10:46 p.m.
In Del Norte's Contested Races, Districts 4 and 5 Appear Headed for a Runoff Election; Howard Likely to Keep District 3 Seat

Del Norte County District 5 candidates Dean Wilson and Susan Masten appear to be headed toward a runoff election in November, according to preliminary election results.
Two out of three races for Del Norte County supervisor appear to be headed toward a runoff in November, while a third has a clear winner.
District 3 incumbent Chris Howard defeated challengers Frank Magarino and Joe “Hank” Akin with 56.74 percent of the vote, according to election results released by the Del Norte County Elections Office at 9:58 p.m. Tuesday.
Magarino came in a distant second with 22.99 percent of the vote and Akin rounded out the race with 20.27 percent of the vote.
In the Del Norte County District 4 supervisor race, Joey Borges, whose family owns Borges Dairy, was in the lead with 44.67 percent of the vote.
Borges appears to be headed for a runoff election in November against local businesswoman, Patty Adams, who received 25.19 percent of the vote, according to election results.
Harbor Commissioner Brian Stone came in third with 24 percent of the vote and Margaret Sargent rounded out the race with 6.14 percent.

Incumbent Chris Howard appears to be the clear winner for the District 3 supervisor seat.
Finally, in the Del Norte County District 5 race, former sheriff Dean Wilson appears to be headed for a runoff against Susan Masten. Masten, a former Yurok Tribal Councilor and Klamath business owner, was appointed to fill the vacancy left behind by former supervisor, Bob Berkowitz, who died in March.
On Tuesday, Wilson led in the polls with 39.75 percent of the vote with Masten coming in second at 33.94 percent.
Terri Colton, who ran for supervisor in 2016, received 10.93 percent of the vote, coming in third. David Jones, Klamath Chamber of Commerce president, came received 9.34 percent of the vote. Bertsch Tract resident David Markel came in last with 6.04 percent of the vote.
A race with three or more candidates is likely to go to a run-off election unless the winner receives 50 percent or more of the votes.
Wilson chose to spend the evening at home with his kids and his wife waiting on the election results. When the early results came in at about 8 p.m., Wilson said he expected to see the race through to November.
“I just wasn’t sure who that runoff (opponent) was going to be,” he told the Wild Rivers Outpost. “It looks like, at least with roughly a quarter of the votes in for the 5th District, it looks to be a strong likelihood that it will be between Sue and I. We look forward to seeing how that fleshes out.”
According to Wilson, whoever wins the District 5 seat will serve out Berkowitz’s term, which ends in 2024.

District 4 supervisor candidates Joey Borges (second from right) and Patty Adams (foreground) appear to be headed toward a runoff, according to early election results. | Photo: Jessica C. Andrews
Election night for Borges, like most candidates, was spent sitting and waiting for updated numbers to come in.
“It’s exciting that’s for sure,” he told the Outpost.
Adams was also cautiously optimistic, but said she welcomed a runoff election against Borges.
“I think that there have been commonalities between us both, having been raised locally,” Adams said. “I think there’s some differences in our backgrounds that would lead me to be a little bit more of a business-oriented supervisor.”
Howard and Masten could not be reached on election night.
At the state level, local special education teacher, Charlotte Svolos led in Del Norte County with 53.57 percent of the vote against incumbent Jim Wood for California’s District 2 assembly seat.
However, according to the California Secretary of State’s website, Wood won the district, receiving 72.5 percent of the vote to Svolos’ 27.5 percent, as of 10:36 p.m. Tuesday.
In the state senate race, incumbent Mike McGuire led the polls with 77.1 percent of the vote to his Republican challenger, Gene Yoon, who received 22.9 percent, according to the California Secretary of State website.
In Del Norte County, Yoon had a lead over McGuire with 51.97 percent of the vote.
For up-to-date election results, visit the Del Norte County Elections Office website. The Wild Rivers Outpost will also provide an update on Wednesday.