John Ross Ferrara / Monday, June 20, 2022 @ 4:25 p.m. / Local Government

Curry County Planning Commission to Hold Public Meeting for Proposed Seven-Lot Subdivision in Port Orford, Regulating Short-term Rentals

The Curry County Planning Commission has scheduled a public meeting for July 21 at 5:30 p.m., to discuss a seven-lot subdivision that’s proposed to be built off Cemetery Loop Road in Port Orford.

According to the application that was submitted on Dec. 10, 2021, applicant and property owner Sara Whitney plans to develop 8.6 acres of property into a seven-lot subdivision, with each lot containing at least one acre of property. The application also contains plans for well-water use, on-site septic tanks and Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative power access.

A map of the proposed seven-lot subdivision site. | Curry County

The proposed subdivision would be located on a recently cleared plot of land approximately 1.2 miles down Cemetery Loop Road from Deady Street. The property already contains a private gravel road accessible from Cemetery Loop Road. However, the plans also call for a new paved roadway that allows access to each lot.

At the July 21 meeting, the Planning Commission also plans to discuss amending the Curry County Zoning Ordinance in an effort to quell the county’s housing crisis. The proposed revisions would, among other things, allow accessory-dwelling units in rural residential zones.

County code defines an accessory-dwelling unit or “ADU” as a “second dwelling unit that may be allowed in conjunction with a single family dwelling.” Currently, ADUs are only permitted in RCR, R-1, R-2 and R-3 zoning districts.

The potential ordinance changes will also involve decisions on regulating short-term rentals, increasing allowed housing density in the R-2 zones, establishing standards for lot-line adjustments and authorizing the Board of Commissioners to pre-empt permit review processes.

The meeting will be held in the Board of Commissioners Hearing Room in the County Annex at 94235 Moore Street in Gold Beach. Public comment will also be accessible by phone and GoToMeeting.


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