Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021 @ 3:49 p.m.
Crescent City Plans to Roll Out Red Carpet for U.S. Capital Christmas Tree

Crescent City will put together a celebration that's part Halloween part Christmas as it sends Sugar Bear on its way to Washington D.C.
The U.S. Capital Christmas Tree will start its journey from Del Norte County on Oct. 29.
From a Crescent City-Del Norte County Chamber of Commerce press release Wednesday:
Crescent City is the first stop on our Nation's Capitol Christmas Tree Whistlestop Tour! Six Rivers, many Peoples, One Tree is this year's theme. Please Join the Crescent City Community for the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Community Celebration - It is with great honor that the 2021 United States Capitol Christmas Tree is being harvested this year from our very own Six Rivers National Forest and will begin a tour of the United States right here in Del Norte County's Crescent City. In honor of the Crescent City 'whistle stop' a community celebration will be held at the Cultural Center, 1001 Front Street, from 9 am to noon on Friday October 29. No admission fee will be charged.The harvested tree, Sugar Bear, is 84 feet tall and will be on display on a flatbed truck parked on Play Street prior to its formal escort out of town by local law enforcement officials as it heads south on tour. School children from area schools will bus in to view Sugar Bear, sign the banner covering it, and participate in various activities including cookie making, ornament making, games, and see colorful mascots cavorting around, including: Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Ricky the Raccoon, McGruff, Woodsy the Owl, Smokey the Bear, BigFoot, the Grinch and Chippy. You'll delight in performances by the Del Norte High School Band and Madrigals.The celebration will be both a Christmas and Halloween themed event and costumes are encouraged. For more information please contact Valerie Starkey at 707-490-9177 or the Chamber of Commerce office 707-464-3174