Jessica Cejnar / Thursday, July 1, 2021 @ 4:51 p.m. / Community
Trash Collection, Transfer Station Hour Changes for Klamath; DNSWMA Facilities Closed for Holiday

From the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority:
The traffic restrictions on 101 will also make for extra-early trash and recycling trucks in Klamath on Thursdays.
“Normally, Recology Del Norte does not start collections until about 6 AM, but the highway closures will require that they start their collection routes as early as 4:30 AM starting next week. For most people, it will make the most sense to roll their carts to the curb on Wednesday, the night before that early Thursday morning collection,” explained Tedd Ward, Director of the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority.
The Klamath Transfer Station will be open Friday July 2nd from 10 am until 4 PM.
Both Del Norte County Transfer Station and the Klamath Transfer Station will be closed on Sunday July 4th.
Starting Wednesday July 7th, the Klamath Transfer Station will be open 8 AM until 2 PM on Wednesdays the Fridays, and from 10 AM to 4 PM on Sundays.
“Like everyone else with connections to the Klamath community, we had to adapt to CalTrans’ traffic restrictions around Last Chance Grade on US 101." Ward said. "For the Klamath Transfer Station, it means that we will be opening and closing two hours earlier than we would during a typical summer. While we will be open the same number of hours each week, we encourage Klamath and Orick customers to come in early in the day.”
For more information about the Klamath Transfer Station, call the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority at (707) 465-1100. For information about collections, Recology Del Norte can be reached at (707) 464-4181.