Jessica Cejnar / Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020 @ 2:22 p.m. / Infrastructure, Local Government
Delayed By COVID, Del Norte County Grand Jury Releases Report; Investigations Include the County's Environmental Health Division and Smith River CSD

Allegations that county supervisors instructed the Environmental Health Division to stay out of landlord-tenant disputes were a focus of the Del Norte County Grand Jury last fiscal year.
The oversight committee tasked with investigating potential misconduct among local government sought to find out how much influence the Del Norte County Board of Supervisors have in enacting Environmental Health policy.
Its findings are outlined in the Grand Jury's 2019-20 final report, which was released three months late due to COVID-19. The Grand Jury also investigated the Smith River Community Services District as well as Pelican Bay State Prison, the Del Norte County Jail and Alder Conservation Camp.
“For three months, when we normally would have been developing the final report for publication, we were instead isolating to help slow the spread of the virus in our community,” Foreperson John Degler wrote in the report’s introduction.
The Grand Jury consists of several committees including a "continuity committee" required to follow up on last year's report.
The Grand Jury operates with the assistance of County Counsel Joel Campbell-Blair and Del Norte County Judge Robert Cochran.