Jessica Cejnar / Tuesday, June 30, 2020 @ 11:25 a.m. / Education, Oregon

Brookings-Harbor School District Asks Parents to Weigh In on Learning For Next Fall

Brookings-Harbor School District is asking parents to take a survey as it determines how to safely reopen schools next fall.

From Superintendent David Marshall:

Greetings Brookings-Harbor School District Families,
I am looking forward to continuing to get to know the Brookings-Harbor community and would like to thank the people I’ve met so far for their warm welcome. I want to let community members know that I have an open-door policy and am happy to visit with and listen to your thoughts and concerns.
I recognize that one of the pressing topics on many people’s minds is what will the start of school look like this fall.
Our focus is on the safety of our students and staff as we develop our plans to reopen schools in the fall. The Oregon Department of Education put out this guidance that was developed in collaboration with the Oregon Health Authority and the Governor’s office. If you have the opportunity, I encourage you to have a look at this document.  We will be using it to guide our planning efforts this summer.
Your input is an important part of the planning process and it would be very helpful if you would take a few minutes to respond to this survey that will be used to inform the planning process. (survey link)  You are also welcome to email me directly or set up an appointment to come in and visit.
As we determine our next steps, we will post them on an FAQ page on our web site and share the information via newsletters and other channels.
A few important highlights of the guidance (though this is far from all of it!):

  • Physical distancing of up to 6 ft or 35 square feet per student in a space is required. (We will need to calculate what this means for our class sizes and the number of students we can have in a building at one time.) 
  • We will need to stagger where students enter and exit the building and keep track of who’s coming in and out. 
  • Playgrounds will be open to students during the school day (limited groups at a time) and sanitized between use.
  • We will need to keep student groups together (such as classes) to the extent possible.
  • We will need to work with our health department in the event of a case or an outbreak. 

Please know that, throughout our planning, we will always keep in mind that our schools must continue to be warm, caring communities, even with these new rules.  

Thank you for our continued patience and grace as we work through this together with our students’ best interests in our hearts.


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