Jessica Cejnar / Tuesday, June 16, 2020 @ 12:40 p.m. / Tribes
Elly Hoopes Reportedly Out as Yurok Tribe Executive Director; Tribal Chair, Councilmembers Silent on Her Dismissal

The Yurok Tribe has ousted its executive director, Elly Hoopes, multiple sources have told the Wild Rivers Outpost.
Multiple phone calls to the Yurok Tribe’s public relations representative, Matt Mais, were not returned. Emails and Facebook messages to each member of the Yurok Tribal Council, including Tribal Chairman Joseph L. James, were also not returned.
Councilman Ryan Ray, who represents the tribe’s Requa District, told the Wild Rivers Outpost on Monday that he had no comment when asked about Hoopes’ status with the tribe.
“Talk to the chair,” Ray told the Outpost.
Hoopes reported ouster as the tribe’s executive director came four days after tribal members and staff protested James’ role in re-hiring Hoopes’ predecessor, Javier Kinney, five months after he resigned amid sexual harassment allegations and accusations of intimidation by a former employee.
It's not known whether the two issues are related.