John Ross Ferrara / Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020 @ 9:40 a.m. / Crime
The Del Norte Sheriff's Office Wants to Team Up With Residents to Conduct Porch Pirate Sting Operations

Photo of a package theft provided by the DNCSO.
Local doorstep delivery thefts are reportedly on the rise and the Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office says its planning some holiday sting operations to cut down on the crime.
“It's that time of year again and we want your help!” the DNCSO shared on social media. “With the Christmas season upon us, thefts of deliveries have been on the uptick. We at the DNCSO want to work with you to try and catch some of these thieves.”
The DNCSO says that it plans to work with local residents in the coming days, planting fake deliveries on their doorsteps in hopes of catching porch pirates in the act.
“If you would like to work with us, please let us know,” the DNCSO said. “Together, we can stop a lot of this activity from happening. To someone thinking about stealing items off of a porch or from a doorstep: We hope to see you soon!”