Jessica Cejnar / Monday, Aug. 31, 2020 @ 5:23 p.m.
On First Day of Virtual Learning, DNUSD Catches Student Sharing Inappropriate Images

On its first day of distance learning, Del Norte Unified School District dealt with more than device issues and Zoom glitches.
In a notice to the community on Monday, DNUSD spokesman Michael Hawkins addressed an incident involving a student "sharing inappropriate images from their personal cell phone" during an online classroom:
As you know, today was our first day of virtual learning, and most of the issues that we dealt with had to do with devices or supporting students in logging into their classrooms. We did, however, have one instance of a student sharing inappropriate images from their personal cell phone, through their webcam, to an online classroom.
All district computers operate under the same filtering system and are as safe as using computers at school. We take such disruptions seriously and are investigating the situation. We will take all necessary and appropriate disciplinary action. We are also in the process of adding an additional layer of security into our Zoom environment. This will limit Zoom use only to those within the district’s email domains and eliminate any outside participants, which means that students will have to use their school email addresses to join all Zoom meetings.
Contrary to what may have been shared on social media, our system was not hacked or hijacked. As of now, we have been told and believe that this was an isolated incident. Our goal is to have virtual school as safe as in-person school.