Jessica Cejnar / Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019 @ 12:44 p.m. / Community
Roasting A Turkey Not Your Game? Come To The Fairgrounds Instead

Riley Hudson and Mikah Deas, members of Del Norte County Sheriff's Explorers Post 911, scoops up cranberry sauce ahead of Del Norte County's Thanksgiving dinner. Photo: Jessica Cejnar
Riley Hudson and Mikah Deas scooped cranberry sauce into paper cups while other volunteers thawed out pumpkin pie ahead of Thursday’s annual Thanksgiving dinner.
Riley and Mikah, members of Del Norte County Sheriff’s Explorers Post 911, were among a handful of people Wednesday decorating and getting the Del Norte County Fairgrounds ready for the celebration.
Spearheaded by Crescent City Foursquare Church and Sutter Coast Hospital staff who is preparing the food, the Thanksgiving Dinner will be held from noon-2 p.m. Thursday in the main building at the Del Norte County Fairgrounds. Pacific Power is also partnering with hospital and the church to put the dinner together following Tuesday’s power outage.
The dinner is open to anyone and those who can are encouraged to bring a canned food item for the local food bank, according to the church’s Facebook page. Volunteers at the event serve an average of about 600 meals each year.