An Open Letter to the readers of the Wild Rivers Outpost

We Need You

Since 2019, the Wild Rivers Outpost (or WRO to our friends) has been focused on providing local news to the residents of Del Norte and Curry County. Anchored by the excellent reporting of Jessica Cejnar Andrews, the WRO has proved itself as a reliable and timely source of news and information. Currently, there are over 100,000 page views a month on our site, a sign that people are indeed reading.

Journalism is a necessary part of a thriving community. However, staffing a news organization costs money, and we need your support to be able to sustain and expand WRO’s coverage in the months and years ahead. Here’s how you can help:

1) Become a supporter – Readers can support our work by clicking here and becoming an annual financial supporter of the Wild Rivers Outpost. $49.99 gets you a special limited edition WRO bumper sticker and the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting democracy and local journalism.

2) Advertise - If your business or organization would like to advertise on the Wild Rivers Outpost, please let us know by emailing us:

3) Share - Follow us on social media! Share the post you like (or don’t like).

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