WRO Staff / Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023 @ 6:05 p.m.
Gov. Newsom Declares State of Emergency in Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties Due to Fires
Photo: Inciweb.
Press release from the office of Gov. Gavin Newsom:
Governor Gavin Newsom today proclaimed a state of emergency in Del Norte County due to the Smith River Complex fires and in Siskiyou County due to the Happy Camp Complex fires. The proclamations support the ongoing emergency response to the fires, which have destroyed homes, caused power outages, and driven the evacuation of residents.
Among other provisions, the proclamations waive certain licensing requirements and fees for out-of-state contractors and others working with California utilities to restore electricity. The proclamations also support impacted residents by easing access to unemployment benefits and waiving fees to replace driver’s licenses and records such as marriage and birth certificates.
The text of the Del Norte County emergency proclamation can be found here and the text of the Siskiyou County emergency proclamation can be found here.