Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Friday, Oct. 28, 2022 @ 2:20 p.m.
CDFW Announces Intermittent Hunting Closures at South Lake Tolowa

Last year's hunting closure near South Lake Tolowa. | Image courtesy CDFW
From the California Department of Fish and Wildlife:
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has announced an intermittent hunting closure at South Lake Tolowa within the Lake Earl Wildlife Area (LEWA) for habitat restoration work. The closed zone represents 1.5% of the legal hunt zone and encompasses approximately 70 acres of the total of 5,000 acres on the LEWA at the highest lake levels. It will be closed to hunting from November 1st, 2022, through November 18, 2022, and from January 2nd through January 24. Open from January 25 through the remainder of season.
Located in Del Norte County, north of Crescent City, the LEWA Coastal Restoration project is a 98-acre area at the mouth of Lake Tolowa for the removal of invasive European beachgrass. This needed dune restoration project restores habitat at the interface of coastal dunes, coastal prairie, open sandspit, estuarine and freshwater wetlands, connecting more than 100 acres of natural habitat.
This closure will allow for the safety of the public, project workers, and volunteers pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 15, section 550. CDFW maintains the authority to modify this closure as needed for work and safety reasons.
Based on comments during the LEWA public outreach meeting CDFW has reduced the size of the proposed closure. Information on the closure is available on the CDFW website for Lake Earl found on the link below:
During the closed dates CDFW staff will post signage clearly stating the closure across the boundaries identified. A map showing the closure is also attached.