Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Tuesday, May 17, 2022 @ 5:30 p.m.
Del Norte's Optum Serve Sites Offer 'Test to Treat' Services

Photo: Fernando Zhiminaicela via Pixabay.
Del Norte County’s Optum Serve test sites began offering Test to Treat services, combining rapid antigen testing for COVID-19 and an assessment from a medical provider if they test positive.
Individuals testing positive for COVID-19 will be able to be assessed by a medical provider to determine if they’re eligible to receive prescription antiviral medication at the same location. The services are free, but Del Norters are urged to call (888) 634-1123 for more information.
This new service comes as 30 new COVID-19 cases are identified in Del Norte County as of Tuesday, according to the Public Health Branch’s COVID-19 information hub. There are 85 total active cases in Del Norte as of Tuesday.
More from the Del Norte Public Health Branch:
Effective May 25, 2022, the OptumServe site will relocate to the Pem Mey Fuel Mart located at 125 Ehlers Way in Klamath on Wednesdays. They will be closed on May 18, 2022.
Below are some links for additional information about Test to Treat services:
DON’T WAIT. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, get tested.
Treatment works best when started as soon as possibleafter symptoms start and before symptoms worsen.
COVID-19 treatments can lower risk of severe illness and hospitalization and work best when taken soon after symptoms begin.
How to get COVID-19 treatments:
• If you have symptoms, call your health care provider right away to ask about testing and if you qualify for COVID-19 treatments.• Stay home and isolate away from others to avoid making them sick.
• If you don’t have a health care provider or don’t hear back from your provider within a few days, visit a Test to Treat site to get rapid testing and find out if treatments are right for you.
For Del Norte, these are the OptumServe Sites in Smith River, Crescent City and Klamath. Visit the Del Norte County Info Hub for OptumServe sites and schedules.
• COVID-19 treatments are not a substitute for COVID-19 vaccines.While treatments are an essential tool in the fight against COVID-19, vaccines are how we get through the pandemic. Go to MyTurn to book your appointment to find a walk-in clinic near you.
Test to Treat Initiative
• The United States government launched the Test to Treat initiative as part of the federal government's National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Through this program, individuals can get tested, assessed by a medical provider, and (if appropriate) given prescription antiviral pills (Paxlovid or molnupiravir) all in the same location.
• Most COVID-19 medications are currently free, but some testing and treating facilities may charge an administration or visit fee that may be covered by insurance. People should ask about these fees when they call a Test to Treat site.
• Test to Treat sites can be found on the Test to Treat Locator.