John Ross Ferrara / Sunday, March 6, 2022 @ 12:30 p.m. / Local Government

Boice Issues Apology for Calling Commissioner Herzog ‘Weak’ in Same Email That Accused Commissioner Paasch of Corruption

       The laswuit discussion at Wednesday's Board of Commisioners                                                                                       meeting.



Curry County Commissioner Court Boice has issued a public apology to fellow commissioner John Herzog for calling him “weak” in a Feb. 6 email that also accused Commissioner Chris Paasch of corruption.

The email was made public by Paasch after he threatened to sue Boice, and possibly the county, at Wednesday’s Board of Commissioners meeting in response to the emai’s contents.

“[Herzog] is simply weak during a time when we desperately need courageous leadership,” the email partially states.

The email — addressed to County Housing Committee Chair Connie Hunter — was also sent to Commissioners Herzog and Paasch. An act that Boice says was intentional.

The email also accuses Herzog of being a puppet for Curry County Treasurer David Barnes, who Boice said is running the County without resistance from Herzog or Paasch.

Boice, meanwhile, has not issued an apology to Paasch, as the two seem to be positioning themselves for a legal battle. 

Read Boice’s full apology to Herzog in the statement below:

I am sorry for referring to him as weak. I offer no excuse, it was wrong, inaccurate and I am genuinely sorry. Yes, I intentionally ‘replied all’ on Feb. 6. That decision was out of the constant lack of moving forward in solving the serious problems of our County. 

Unfortunately, we have a few territorial, and political voices here that vie for Mr. Herzog’s attention. He is continually lobbied to implement the same policies that for years have brought us to wasteful spending, and bad Board decisions. 

I believe Commissioner Herzog and I share common frustrations. In the 47 years of knowing John Herzog, I’ve always believed him to be an honest man and in my view that has not changed. He did not bring this dysfunction to his time of Curry Public Service, but he did inherit it. 

While far from perfect, the people who are close to me will assure our citizens that I have been relentless in defending our County. I will continue to faithfully work to persuade the other Commissioners to address and develop critical policies, wise spending, good management, and transparent government. 

I believe John can and is doing his part to help get this County on a solid foundation and working on the changes that are necessary to accomplish that. Again, I offer my sincere apologies to Commissioner Herzog.


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