Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Friday, Jan. 21, 2022 @ 9:04 a.m. / COVID-19
Del Norte Transfer Station Reduces Weekend Hours Due to COVID

From the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority:
With several employees either testing positive with Covid-19 or in quarantine due to exposures, the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority will be reducing facility hours this weekend. The Del Norte County Transfer Station will be open to the general public only from 9 AM to 1 PM this Saturday January 22nd, and closed all day Sunday January 23rd.
As usual, the Gasquet Transfer Station will be open 10 AM to 4 PM this Saturday and the Klamath Transfer Station will be open Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM. Recology Del Norte trucks will be able to complete all routes and unload on Saturday, but the Del Norte County Transfer Station will be closed to all traffic and the public on Sunday.
Authority Director Tedd Ward said, “With half of our small staff unable to work due to illness or quarantine, this agency has no choice but to reduce operations at this time. We hope our customers understand this is part of our continuing efforts to keep our community safe, and we will return to our regular hours as soon as we are able. As this situation continues to change, our staff will assess if we can stay open or if additional changes are needed next week.”
For more information, call the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority at 465-1100.