Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Thursday, April 14, 2022 @ 10:10 a.m. / Elections, Oregon
Curry County Voters Will Get Pamphlets, Registration Forms Next Week

From the Curry County Elections Division:
Curry County Clerk Reneé Kolen informs voters that the May 17th Primary election processes have been underway for weeks now. Ballots for our military and overseas voters have already been mailed. The state voters’ pamphlet containing voting information and candidate statements should arrive at every residential address in Oregon April 20-22. It also contains a voter registration form inside for anyone who is not yet registered. If you have an Oregon driver’s license, you can go online to\myvote to register to vote.
“Residents new to the State of Oregon who are not currently registered or registered voters who wish to change their party affiliation need to register by April 26th. Voters already registered who have moved or changed their mailing address have until May 17th Election Day to update their address. Oregon Law does not allow the post office to forward ballots.” Kolen said.
Ballot packets will be mailed between April 27th and May 3rd. If you have not received your ballot packet by Friday May 6th, or need help in registering, please call our office at
(541) 247-3297.
As always, go to your trusted source of election information at the Curry County Clerk website or . An elector may verify that their ballot has been received by the Election Office through the Oregon Secretary of State’s website at\myvote.
The first Curry County Commissioner seat is up for election in May. Candidates include George Rhodes, Brad Alcorn and Beth Barker-Hidalgo. Incumbent, Chris Paasch, is not seeking re-election.