Jessica Cejnar / Tuesday, May 25, 2021 @ 1:39 p.m.
CCPD Seeks Help in Identifying Alleged Crescent Elk Middle School Burgler

Courtesy of CCPD
The Crescent City Police Department is seeking the public's help to identify a man suspected of burglary at Crescent Elk Middle School on Monday.
From a CCPD Facebook post:
Request for public assistance CCPD Burglary case 2021-0719:
On 5-24-2021 there was a burglary at the Crescent Elk Middle School in Crescent City. Video surveillance footage caught the subject in the picture below. We are asking for assistance from the community to help identify the subject in the picture. You can contact us either by sending a message to our Facebook account, calling our office at 707-464-2133, calling dispatch at 707-464-4191, or you can utilize our online reporting form located at