Jessica Cejnar / Wednesday, March 24, 2021 @ 9:14 a.m.
Tsunami Warning Test Today

Courtesy of
Emergency officials will test the tsunami warning system today at 11 a.m.
From a Del Norte Emergency Services news release:
The County of Del Norte Office of Emergency Services, in collaboration with the National Weather Service and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, and along with Humboldt and Mendocino counties, will participate in a test of the tsunami warning communication system on March 24, 2021. Citizens who have a home, business, or school address within the tsunami hazard area and who are registered for Community Alerts can expect to receive a notification at approximately 10:00am. Additional notifications will be delivered between 11:00am – 12:00pm via outdoor sirens, NOAA weather radio, local TV and radio, and civil air patrol flyover.
This annual test is an important part of local and regional emergency preparedness. Tests are routinely conducted to ensure that notification systems perform as expected. If any failures are identified emergency officials will then work to address those failures. These tests also serve as a reminder to the public to review their own personal preparedness plans.
Citizens are encouraged to take the following personal preparedness steps this week in advance of the test:
• Ensure that you are signed up for Community Alerts. If you have already signed up, please review your account to ensure that all information is updated and accurate. You may do this by visiting and clicking on the appropriate button in the upper right hand corner or by calling 707.464.7255 if you need assistance.
• Check your tsunami hazard zone status. New tsunami hazard area maps were recently released and there have been some changes. You can visit, click “prepare” at the top of the page, then choose “tsunami” to find out whether or not you are in the zone.
• Have a conversation. Review evacuation and reunification plans with your family and at your workplace. Find tips for creating a plan at
We thank the community for your continued efforts to strengthen the resilience of our community. Please feel free to provide any feedback about the test by calling our office at 707.464.7255.