John Ross Ferrara / Wednesday, March 24, 2021 @ 9:10 a.m. / COVID-19
Pause on Indoor Dining: Curry County Moves to Extreme COVID-19 Risk Level Friday, CCPH Says

A portion of the Oregon Health Authority's risk level guidance chart. | OHA
Curry County Public Health press release:
For the reporting period of 03/16/2021 through 03/22/2021, Curry County Public Health (CCPH) has received notification of 38 new COVID-19 cases; all cases have been confirmed by Curry County’s contracted Health Officer after receiving the lab results. Twenty-three (23) of these cases are South Curry County residents; two (2) North Curry County resident and thirteen (13) are Central Curry County residents. These cases are related to previously reported cases, large families, schools and from work places.
CCPH is reaching out to all reported positive cases to make sure they are isolating and monitoring for symptoms. CCPH is currently investigating the cases through contact tracing to identify any possible contacts and exposures relevant to the cases and will reach out to anyone suspected of exposure to COVID-19.
As of March 22, 2021 the total verified number of positive cases reported to CCPH for Curry County residents since the start of the pandemic is 525 with 8 deaths associated with Covid. Active cases currently for Curry County are 54 after adding the positive cases during the reporting period above and removing those whom are considered recovered based on OHA guidelines.
At time of this press release Curry County was just notified that Curry County will be moving from High Risk to Extreme - This will go into effect on Friday, March 26, 2021 (OHA determines what risk category counties will be in; local CCPH has no control of this).
In case of any confirmed deaths suspected of Covid-19, OHA will report on them once it is determined that Covid may be a contributing factor.
Please remember, it is important that we all follow the OHA and CDC guidelines and Governor’s directives about social distancing, wearing facial coverings in public buildings and protecting yourselves by staying home to slow the spread and save lives. CCPH will continue to keep the public informed with all the information we can in order to keep our citizens safe.
MOST ASKED QUESTION? What if I think I’ve been exposed?
ANSWER from the OHA website: If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, and you develop fever, cough or trouble breathing, stay away from other people, so you don’t get them sick. Call your health care provider or a clinic right away. They can help you determine whether you need medical evaluation, including testing.
For updated Covid-19 guidance go to: