Jessica Cejnar / Monday, July 26, 2021 @ 10:45 a.m.

Mutual Aid Credited for Extinguishing Selma, Oregon Brush Fire

From a Retro Metro Fire - Josephine County Facebook post:

This picture tour is a brief inside look at the operations on the #RedwoodHighwayFire near Milepost 23 in Selma, OR during a time frame of less than 4 hours on the evening of July 24, 2021. It helps illustrate the coordinated mobilization of mutual-aid resources, as well as the aggressive attack philosophy embraced by both structural and wildland firefighters across SW Oregon.
Having started along a narrow, winding section of the highway called "Sisses Gap" that is lined with tinder-dry brush, during a hot afternoon in late July with windy conditions, this fire was held at approximately 6 acres as a direct result of the combined efforts of multiple engine companies, handcrews, bulldozers and aircraft, under the unified leadership of Illinois Valley Fire District and ODF Southwest Oregon District.
Successful outcomes like these are the mission of each dedicated firefighter serving the communities across Josephine and Jackson Counties. That success is also measurable by the continued support firefighters receive in return. Thank you!


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