Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021 @ 8:16 a.m. / Local Government
In A Long-Awaited Decision, Council Appoints Jason Greenough to Second Term as Mayor; Isaiah Wright Will Be Mayor Pro Tempore

After postponing their decision four times, the Crescent City Council finally voted 4-1 for Jason Greenough to serve a second term as mayor.
Councilor Raymond Altman, who had nominated former mayor pro tem Blake Inscore as mayor, dissented.
Meanwhile, the Council was unanimous in its decision to appoint Isaiah Wright to the mayor pro tempore seat. Elected to the Council in 2018, this will be Wright’s first year as mayor pro tempore.

The Crescent City Council appoints the mayor and mayor pro tem every year. The mayor presides over meetings, signs documents and appoints Councilors to boards, commissions and committees. The mayor pro tem presides over meetings in the mayor’s absence.
On Monday, which was the first time a full Crescent City Council had met since Nov. 1, there were three nominations for mayor — Inscore, Greenough and Wright. However the motion for Greenough to serve as mayor came up for a vote first.
With the mayoral appointment out of the way, Altman nominated Inscore to serve another year as mayor pro tem. Inscore, however, declined that nomination and moved to appoint Wright in the mayor pro tem role.
Two of the three members who spoke supported Greenough’s second year as mayor. Karen Sanders, chair of the Del Norte Republican Party and a county resident, said Greenough was doing a great job as mayor.
“I think he would be the best person nominated,” she said. “Now he can continue to do what he’s been doing and work on what he’s been working on.”
Thomas Barnes, owner of the property management company TAB & Associates, also supported Greenough as mayor.
A third city resident, Natalie Fahning, hoped Inscore, who had preceded Greenough as mayor in 2020 and in 2019, had hoped he would take on the mayor role again.