Jessica Cejnar / Friday, Oct. 2, 2020 @ 12:59 p.m.
Voting Officially Starts Monday; City Council Forum Set For Oct. 9

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Election Day is still more a month away, but Del Norters will likely receive their ballots in the mail early next week.
Voters can officially cast their ballot in the Nov. 3, 2020 General Election starting Monday, Del Norte County Clerk-Recorder Alissia Northrup told the Wild Rivers Outpost. She said her office dropped the ballots off at the post office on Thursday.
“The legislation that said we have to mail everybody a ballot also allowed us, if we had them ready early, we could mail them early,” Northrup said. “They dropped them at the post office this morning. People should be receiving them early in the week.”
Northrup said voters will likely receive their ballots Monday or Tuesday. Voters should have already received their sample ballot for local races as well as statewide contests such as the State Assembly and Congressional representatives, she said.
According to Northrup, this year’s sample ballot will carry an application on the back page voters can use to request a second ballot if they made an error on their first ballot. People can also use that application if they want to receive a vote-by-mail ballot permanently, she said.
The contested races for this year’s election include the Crescent City Council, Del Norte County Unified School District’s Trustee Area 3 position, College of the Redwoods Trustee Area 7 position, and the Del Norte County District 2 position.
True North Organizing Network is expected to host a virtual forum for Crescent City Council candidates from 6:15 p.m.-7:45 p.m. Oct. 9. The candidates for City Council include incumbent Jason Greenough, Herman Rinkel, Raymond Altman, Alex Campbell, Eric Gill Port and Beau Smith.
This candidate forum comes after True North hosted a virtual event for candidates running for Del Norte Unified School District on Wednesday, which has two seats up for election this year.
Trustee Area 3 has incumbent Frank Magarino competing against Sheryl Steinruck and Billy Hartwick.
Trustee Area 4 representative Charlaine Mazzei, who is running unopposed, also participated in Wednesday’s virtual forum.
Del Norte voters will also decide on one of two 1 percent sales tax measures — Measure R, which would apply to the county, and Measure S, which would affect sales tax inside Crescent City limits.
Voters who don’t want to cast their ballots by mail can bring them to the Del Norte County Elections Office at the Flynn Center, 981 H Street in Crescent City.
A ballot drop box will also be at Crescent City Hall, 377 J Street, Northrup said. Voters can also take their ballots to polling places in any of the 18 precincts on Nov. 3, she said.
According to the California Secretary of State’s website, ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 3, 2020 or submitted to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. Nov. 3, 2020.
For more information about local elections and precinct locations, click here or call (707) 464-7216.
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