Jessica Cejnar / Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2020 @ 4:08 p.m. / COVID-19, Local Government
County Limits Public Access To Offices Following COVID-19 Surge

After the Crescent City Council urged members of the public to conduct business remotely due to a surge in local COVID-19 cases, Del Norte County is following suit.
Noting that Del Norte has moved into the state's most restrictive purple tier on its Blueprint for a Safer Economy, indiating widespread risk of viral infection, the county is limiting public access to protect its residents and employees.
From a Wednesday news release:
As you are aware, Del Norte County has moved to the purple tier or Widespread Tier 1 status due to the significant increase in COVID-19 case activity within our community.
In order to protect County employees as well as members of the public, the County is limiting public access to all County facilities beginning Monday, November 30, 2020.
In-person meetings may be accommodated by contacting departments directly.The limitations will be similar to those enacted back in April. The County will continue to evaluate the situation in two week increments or when a reduction in tier status occurs.
Please see attached in relation to County Office Closures. To obtain the links to a specific department, please visit the County Website at
• County Office Closure Information