Jessica Cejnar / Friday, June 12, 2020 @ 11:42 a.m. / Community, Infrastructure, Roads, Traffic
Caltrans Plans U.S. 101 Closure South of Crescent City due to Last Chance Grade Project

U.S. 101 at Last Chance Grade. Photo courtesy of Caltrans.
U.S. 101 will be closed overnight for four days starting Monday due to continuing work on the Last Chance Grade project, according to Caltrans.
From a Caltrans announcement Friday:
EUREKA, CA — Caltrans is planning to enact four full overnight closures on U.S. Highway 101 just north of Wilson Creek Bridge (post mile 13) to Humboldt Road (post mile 23.8) in Del Norte County to keep progress moving on the Last Chance Grade project.
The overnight highway closure will be in effect from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. the nights of June 15-18. Traffic will be piloted through the project every two hours. There is no detour around the road closure.
Emergency services will be accommodated through the closure, if necessary. Electronic overhead signs will also be used to notify motorists of the plan.
“Since we were unable to complete the work during the last full closure in May, we will use these four nighttime closures to fulfill our purpose,” said Karen Sanders, Resident Engineer for the Last Chance Grade Project. “We must fill the roadway to keep the project moving forward. This work entails backfilling the adjacent turnout a maximum of 9 feet and backfilling the roadway 1 foot to reach 5 feet above ground anchor drilling at the wall on the west side of the roadway. Ground anchor drilling will begin within the next few weeks.”