Jessica Cejnar / Wednesday, July 1, 2020 @ 5:33 p.m.
Let the Tansy Games Begin!

Del Norters have a chance to remove a plant that’s poisonous to livestock and potentially earn $500.
The Tansy Games began on Wednesday and will continue through Sept. 7, according to the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority:
The Tansy Games are back! It’s time once again to dig up Tansy Ragwort, an invasive weed in our community. The second annual Tansy Games will start on July 1st and continue through September 7. Individuals and teams are welcome to compete. The goal is to deliver the most tansy by weight during the contest to the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority Transfer Station at 1700 State Street, Crescent City. The Grand Prize will be $500 cash, and all participants will be eligible for additional nifty raffle prizes.
Tansy ragwort is an attractive nuisance.
It’s attractive because it has bright yellow bouquet-like flowers, and animals sometimes like to eat it, and it is also quite a nuisance because unfortunately there may be toxic effects to those animals consuming it. Tansy is cumulatively toxic and often lethal to livestock, horses, and wildlife such as deer and elk. Eating tansy can cause scarring of the liver leading to liver toxicity and often resulting in a gruesome death; it was also called Staggerwort due to the behavior it caused until the animal collapsed.
Tansy is also the only weed in Del Norte County that has a Del Norte County Ordinance. The Tansy Control Ordinance 77-48 requires landowners to eliminate tansy ragwort within 150 feet of adjacent properties, effectively banning tansy for most landowners. Large landowners may have enough land to avoid removing tansy, but because of the tansy seeds being dispersed by wind and the strong winds Del Norte County has, the response for large landowners to remove their tansy is greatly appreciated by the community.
Tansy’s toxicity to livestock in an agricultural community is what got tansy banned back in 1977. The Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority processed almost 10,000 pounds of tansy brought in during last summer’s first Tansy Games.
This year, under Covid-19 virus protection guidelines, the Tansy Games will be an outdoor, socially-distanced event. Be aware of social distances and your location. Participants are encouraged to wash hands, and wear gloves.
Regarding facial protection, participants are asked to wear masks or face shields whenever outside and remain no closer than six feet apart when talking with or near someone who is not part of your household - even when outdoors. Some people may prefer a face shield, as that helps protect the eyes and face as well.
As a support for Del Norte citizens’ efforts in removing tansy, the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority always pays the cost for the disposal of tansy at the Del Norte County Transfer Station, whether one is playing the Tansy Games or not. Tansy Games prize winners will be announced at the September meeting of the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority.
The Grand Prize of $500.00 and raffle prize winners will be awarded at that September meeting. Play the Tansy Games and serve our community. You might just work your way to $500.00 or win a prize. Sign-up sheets and rules are available at the Authority’s website: