Jessica Cejnar / Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020 @ 3:07 p.m. / Education
Brookings-Harbor School District Releases Timeline For In-Person Classes

Brookings-Harbor School District are taking a phased approach to starting hybrid learning at its campuses.
This follows Oregon Governor Kate Brown's announcement that in-person learning guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are now advisory, according to BHSD Superintendent David Marshal.
From a Thursday news release:
We began Winter Break with hopes to bring students in-person and keep them in-person as much as possible in 2021 — we know that students benefit from a safe and consistent routine in the classroom with their teachers and support staff.
We now have an opportunity to begin that process. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s recent announcement that in-person schooling virus metrics are now advisory and no longer mandatory, returns the re-entry decision process to the local level. At the same time, all operational, sanitizing, and safety requirements outlined in the Oregon Department of Education’s Ready Schools, Safe Learners document will continue as the blueprint for the safe operation of our schools. These include measures such as meeting in small cohorts, physical distancing, use of face coverings, frequent hand washing, and sanitation of spaces.
Timeline for adding in-person classes for AM and PM session hybrid students
Monday, January 4 we plan to resume grades kindergarten through 3rd to in-person hybrid instruction.
Thursday, January 7, we plan to resume grades 4, 5, 6, and 9 to in-person hybrid instruction.
We have tentative plans to bring back grades 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12 over the week starting January 11. More information will be announced as soon as possible.
Working together as a community, our choices and actions to slow the spread of COVID-19 can help keep students on campus and in class. A confirmed case of COVID-19 can require a class or even a grade to transition to Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) for two weeks. You can help keep our students in school by keeping your child (or children) home if they or anyone in your household is sick and/or has COVID-19 symptoms. If you are awaiting test results for a household member, please keep your child home until a negative result has been confirmed.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our students and teachers. Please continue to follow the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to do your part in keeping our community healthy and safe.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
David Marshall, Superintendent