Jessica Cejnar / Monday, Aug. 10, 2020 @ 2:13 p.m. / Elections
Several Local Districts Remain Open to Candidates for November Election; School Board Lineup Decided

The filing period closed Friday for the local school board, there are plenty of other options available for those seeking public office this November.
Seats for a plethora of local districts and governing bodies, including the Crescent City Council, will remain open until 5 p.m. Wednesday because the incumbents did not file their election papers by the Friday deadline, according to County Registrar Alissia Northrup.
“We had multiple people file for City Council, but two incumbents did not file,” Northrup told the Wild Rivers Outpost on Monday. “Heidi Kime and Alex Fallman did not file. Jason Greenough did file and is officially a candidate.”
The filing period is extended if an incumbent in a specific race chooses not to seek re-election, according to Northrup.
In addition to the two school board seats, the filing period for the Del Norte County Fairgrounds Recreation and Park District board is also closed.
“Both incumbents filed on that one,” Northrup said.
Meanwhile, for Del Norte Unified School District, incumbents Frank Magarino and Charlaine Mazzei, are seeking re-election for Trustee Areas 3 and 4 respectively.
Magarino faces challengers Billy Hartwick and Sheryl Steinruck. Hartwick had been Pine Grove Elementary School’s principal until 2018.
Mazzei is running unopposed, according to Northrup. Mazzei was appointed to the Board of Trustees in March, replacing former trustee Roger Daley.
More on available offices
Of the public offices still open to candidates, for the Crescent City Council, Herman Rinkel has completed his paperwork to run in the 2020 City Council election, Northrup said. Residents Ray Altman, Alex Campbell, Eric Gill Port and Holly Greene have taken out their elections paperwork, but haven’t returned it yet.
People can still file to run for seats on the Crescent City Harbor District, the Del Norte Healthcare District and the Del Norte Library District, Northrup said.
Harbor incumbents Wes White and Brian Stone are seeking re-election, however Jim Ramsey failed to submit his paperwork by the Friday deadline, Northrup said. Local resident, Harry Adams is also seeking a spot on the Harbor District Board of Commissioners. There are three harbor seats up for election this year.
Meanwhile, two seats are up for election on the Del Norte Healthcare District Board of Directors. Incumbent Dr. Greg Duncan is not seeking re-election, Northrup said.
The Healthcare District’s current chairman, Dr. Kevin Caldwell, is seeking re-election. Tonya Pearcey is also wanting to serve on the Healthcare District board, Northrup said.
Though the three incumbents on the Del Norte County Library board — John Roberts, Colleen Luttrell and Sierra Smith — did not file their election papers by the Friday deadline, candidates Robin Fornoff and Marie Jondal did.
“It’s still open,” Northrup said of the library board.
On Nov. 3, 2020, voters will also be asked to cast ballots in a runoff election for Del Norte County District 2 supervisor. Incumbent Lori Cowan faces challenger Valerie Starkey.
Voters will also be asked to weigh in on the city and county’s respective 1 percent sales tax measures.
At the state level, incumbent Jim Wood is being challenged by Charlotte Svolos for California’s 2nd Assembly District.
In addition to voting for U.S. president at the national level, U.S. Representative Jared Huffman will face Dale Mensing for California’s 2nd Congressional District.
This year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, all 15,339 voters in Del Norte County will receive their official ballots by mail in addition to their sample ballot, Northrup said.
“Please don’t throw it away,” she said, adding that their ballot will tell voters where their polling location is. “Keep it. Vote it if you possibly can. If for some reason you can’t, please bring it with you to a polling location on election day. It’s really important we know what happened to that ballot.”
According to Northrup, since her office is still required to have in-person voting locations available in
November, all polling places in Del Norte County will be available. Since those places are scattered throughout the county, Northrup said, she felt that people would still be able to socially distance effectively.
For more information about local districts and governing agencies still open to candidates, call (707) 464-7216 or visit the Del Norte County Elections Office's web page.