John Ross Ferrara / Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019 @ 3:35 p.m. / Ocean, Wildlife
Rare Tropical Fish Caught Off the Brookings Coast
A grandpa and a dorado. | Photo provided by John Quinn.
Klamath Falls man John Quinn shares this photo with the Outpost of a tropical fish he says his grandfather caught 17 miles off the coast of Brookings last week.
Aquarist and Equipment Technician Grant Eberle with the Humboldt State University Marine Labratory in Trinidad told the Outpost that the fish is a dorado, a species that's quite rare for Curry County waters.
"They’re not common but they do show up occasionally, usually late summer when there’s warm water," he said. "The water has been warm this year."
While it's not unheard of for a dorado to be caught off the Oregon coast, Eberle said you generally only hear about it happening once every year or so.
"That’s a really big one," he added. "I’d be proud of it."