Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Monday, May 6, 2024 @ 10:15 a.m. / Elections, Oregon
Curry County Hybrid Town Hall To Focus On Tax Levy

From Curry County:
We are aware that some citizens may have missed the opportunity to attend the Curry County Levy Town Halls held in April. Ballots have now been mailed.
This voting season, County residents will make a vital decision regarding the future of the County’s public safety and quality of life. It is critical that your questions are answered and that you have all the necessary and accurate information you need in order to make an informed decision.
The fourth and final Town Hall is scheduled for:
Wednesday, May 8th at 6:00 p.m.
In order to make the Town Hall accessible to all, there are several ways you can participate:1. IN PERSON
The Town Hall will be held at the Board of Commissioners Hearing Room in the County Office Building, 94235 Moore Street, Gold Beach, Oregon.2. BY PHONE
To call in, dial: (253) 205-0468 and use Webinar ID # 895 5704 4943Additionally, if your cellphone is registered in Curry County, you will receive a text message with information on how to join the virtual meeting.
The link to join the Zoom meeting is: link is also available on the Levy website (, as well as the Curry County Facebook page.
The Town Hall is open to all, and media coverage is encouraged.
If you are not able to attend this Town Hall, please call our Levy Hotline at (541) 247-3248 with any questions or comments.