Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 5:06 p.m. / Fire

Trailer Fire Spreads To Olive Street Home On Sunday; House Is Considered a Total Loss

A fast-moving fire that started at a fifth wheel trailer destroyed an Olive Street home on Sunday, Battalion Chief Darrin Short told the Wild Rivers Outpost.

The trailer, parked in a side yard near the doublewide home on the 100 block of Olive Street, was fully involved when Short arrived on scene at about 11:28 a.m. Right after he arrived, flames had spread from the trailer to the home and before it was all over the entirety of the house had burned, Short said Monday.

“In my report, I put it as a total loss,” he said. “The owner, he didn’t get taken to the hospital, but he did request oxygen. He had kind of a minor [burn] on his arm from the fire. Due to that request, we asked for an ambulance. They came and checked him out and gave him oxygen, but he refused transport to the hospital.”

According to Short, the owner said he had two friends living in the trailer, but told firefighters that there was no electricity or sources of heat. However, Short said, crews found a propane tank that was hooked up and offgassing during the fire.

Short said the property owner told him the two individuals staying in the trailer had left just before the fire started.

About 20 firefighters — including a CalFire crew from Trinidad, five individuals from Pelican Bay State Prison’s fire department, along with Crescent City Fire & Rescue volunteers — had the fire under control in about 10 to 15 minutes.

Short said they stayed on scene for about three hours, working to keep the flames from spreading further. They were able to save a Temple Street structure to the rear of the property from catching fire.

Before firefighters responded, however, flames had spread to a nearby fence and shop. The homeowner was able to douse the flames with a garden hose, Short said.

“He flowed water on that just prior to us getting water supply established,” he told the Outpost. “He had some insulation melt on the inside of his shop. It was a brand new shop with no garage door on it yet. I really felt bad for the guy, but we played no part in saving his shop.”


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