Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023 @ 4:42 p.m.
Smith River Alliance Cleanup Nets 5,100 Pounds Of Trash

Photo courtesy of the Smith River Alliance
From the Smith River Alliance:
Over 5,100 pounds of trash was recovered by a team of 30 volunteers who joined the Smith River Alliance and partners for a coastal wetlands cleanup on October 7 near Hwy 101 and South Beach. It is estimated that over 2 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year, with a majority of it coming from streams, adjacent wetlands, and rivers that discharge into the ocean. Volunteers collected from multiple sites in coastal wetlands owned and managed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Special thanks to an outstanding team of volunteers and partners including California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the City of Crescent City, Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority, Hambro WSG, Inc., Hiouchi Cafe, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Redwood Parks Conservancy, Rural Human Services, and Schmidt’s House of Jambalaya. If you are interested in participating in future volunteer cleanups and events, please sign up on the Smith River Alliance and/or Redwood Parks Conservancy’s websites.