Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Thursday, June 1, 2023 @ 4:10 p.m. / Community, Health

Del Norte's Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing Ordinance Takes Effect in July

Photo: Paolo Neo, via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain

Del Norte County’s ban on smoking in apartments, duplexes, condos and other multi-unit dwellings goes into effect on July 1.

Under the county’s ordinance, smoking will no longer be allowed within living spaces, in common areas or within 25 feet of designated non-smoking areas, according to a Thursday news release from the Del Norte County Tobacco Use Prevention Program (TUPP). Lease and rental agreements will be updated to reflect the new ordinance’s stipulations and landlords will post “no smoking” signs on their property.

The multiunit smoke free housing ordinance also allows property owners to designate outdoor smoking areas, according to TUPP’s news release.

Del Norte County supervisors unanimously approved the smoke-free multiunit housing ordinance in January after representatives.

Their decision came after Tobacco Free Del Norte Coalition representatives pointed out that children living in apartments are often exposed to second-hand smoke from neighboring units even though their families are smoke-free.

The county modeled its ordinance on Crescent City’s, which went into effect in 2021.

The ordinance does not include mobile home parks or single-family homes with accessory dwelling units, according to the county’s Jan. 25 staff report.

TUPP can provide sample lease agreements, tips for enforcement as well as free no smoking signs to landlords. The program can also provide information for tenants and property managers.

For free help to quit tobacco use, visit Kick It California or call 1-800-300-8086. 

For more information on Del Norte's smoke-free multi-unit housing ordinance or to access support from TUPP, call Crystal Yang at 707-464-0861 or email


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