Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022 @ 2:10 p.m. / Hardly News, Oregon

Hey, Brookings Youth, Wanna Be Mayor?

If you're in elementary school, junior high or high school, live in Brookings and thought about what you'd do if you were one of its elected officials, Mayor Ron Hedenskog wants to hear from you.

From a City of Brookings news release:

“If I Were Mayor I would…”


How many times have we said this? Now The Oregon Mayor Association and the City of Brookings invite you to enter the “If I Were Mayor…” contest.  Broxokings Mayor Ron Hedenskog is asking students in elementary, middle, and high schools to let their thoughts be known.

What is it?

The “If I Were Mayor…” contest is a statewide project that helps us tell others what you envision and would do as the elected leader of your community. Because we are committed to the success of today’s youth, we want to hear and see your perspective on making your City the best it can be. 

What to do!

Imagine that you have just been elected Mayor of Brookings! City leaders are working on a budget to pay for various services, such as police, fire, street improvements, parks and recreation programs. You are discussing with the City Council the future of your City – its growth, needs and problems. Begin by thinking: 

  1. What kind of decisions would I make to provide these services?
  2. How would I plan for my City’s future?
  3. If I were Mayor, what would I do?

Elementary School Students (Grade 4-5) – Create a poster that illustrates what your City would look like if your ideas and decisions as Mayor became reality. 

Middle School Students (Grade6-8) – Create an essay featuring your ideas, decisions and recommendations you would make for your City’s future. This can be in a Word/PDF document, PowerPoint or Prezi. 

High School Students (Grade 9-12) – Create a digital media presentation promoting your vision for the City of Brookings.  Only video will be accepted for this age range. 



In selecting winners, local and state judges will consider: 

  1. Creativity: Does the student demonstrate curiosity and originality?
  2. Clarity/Sincerity of Thought: Is the submission well thought out and organized?
  3. Proper Use of Grammar: Does the submission contain proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
  4. Subject Relevancy: Are the major points relevant to the role of a government leader? Does the student demonstrate an understanding of municipal government and the job of Mayor?

Why do it?

Your voice counts! Now is your chance to share ideas with us. Local essays, posters, and videos will be posted in Brookings City Hall. All qualified entries statewide will be showcased at the League of Oregon Cities Annual Conference Luncheon in Newport on August 11-14, 2022.


Local awards: Winners at the local level in each of the three age categories will receive prizes presented by Mayor Hedenskog at a City Council Meeting. First place winners will receive a $50 Fred Meyer gift card, second place winners will receive a $30 Dairy Queen gift card and third place winners will receive a $20 Dutch Bros gift card.

Thank you to our local businesses for their participation – Fred Meyer, Dairy Queen, and Dutch Bros. 

Statewide awards: First place statewide winners in each of the three age categories will win $500.  These students will receive their prizes at the awards luncheon held during the OMA Summer Conference. Second and third place winners win $300 and $100 respectively and will receive their prizes at local city presentations.

How to enter!

Complete the attached application and follow contest rules. 


Entries must be delivered to Brookings City Hall by Thursday, March 17, 5:00 PM!


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