Jessica Cejnar Andrews / Monday, Aug. 22, 2022 @ 2:40 p.m. / Oregon

34-Year-Old Gold Beach Woman Found Dead in Holding Cell

From Curry County Sheriff John Ward:

On Sunday 08-21-22, at about 6:00pm, thirty-four-year-old Heather Iverson of Gold Beach was found deceased in a holding cell at the Curry County Sheriff’s Office.  Iverson had been brought to the jail by the Gold Beach Police the day before on Saturday 08-20-2022, for Disorderly Contact, Criminal Mischief, and Probation detainer.  

Deputies discovered Iverson was unresponsive and not breathing so they contacted Medical and Fire to respond.  It was determined that she was deceased for unknown reasons.  Per protocol, the Sheriff’s Office contacted the Oregon State Police to conduct the death investigation and two Detectives responded.  The Curry County District Attorney was notified and requested an autopsy to be performed once the initial investigation was complete.  The body of Iverson was released to Redwood Memorial at the authorization of the District Attorney.   

Currently, the investigation is on-going, and no further information will be released until the Oregon State Police complete their investigation.  We are all saddened of the passing of Heather.


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