John Ross Ferrara / Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020 @ 3:27 p.m. / COVID-19

One New Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in Curry County

Curry County Public Health press release:

Curry County Public Health (CCPH) was notified of one new case of  COVID-19, reported by an outside lab out of Lane County. The individual is a North Curry County resident that has tested positive for COVID-19, after being admitted into the hospital for an unrelated medical condition.  

Curry County Public Health has spoken with the individual who is asymptomatic and is in isolation and being monitored for symptoms. This current case has been verified and confirmed by the Health Officer through lab results.  

As of October 22nd, 2020, the total verified number of positive cases for Curry County residents since the start of the pandemic is currently 57, with 50 recovered cases,  5 active cases. Out of the 57, there have been two hospitalizations and one of which is  deceased. 

Please remember, it is important that we all follow the OHA and CDC guidelines and  Governor’s directives about social distancing, wearing facial coverings in public  buildings and protecting yourselves by staying home to slow the spread and save lives. 

CCPH will continue to keep the public informed with all the information we can in order  to keep our citizens safe.


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