John Ross Ferrara / Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 @ 9 a.m. / COVID-19
Nine New Cases of COVID-19 Reported in Curry County Yesterday

Curry County Public Health press release:
On 11/25/2020 Curry County Public Health (CCPH) received notification of nine new cases of COVID-19; all nine were reported by Curry Health Network. All nine cases have been confirmed by Curry County’s contracted Health Officer after receiving the lab results.
CCPH is reaching out to the individuals to make sure they are isolating and monitoring symptoms. Eight of the individuals are South Curry County residents and one is a Central Curry County resident. Four of the cases are from the same household and are related to a previous reported case.
CCPH is currently investigating the cases through contact tracing to identify any possible contacts and exposures relevant to the cases and will reach out to anyone suspected of exposure to COVID-19 in these cases.
As of November 25 th , 2020, the total verified number of positive cases for Curry County residents since the start of the pandemic is 129, with 2 deaths. Active cases currently for Curry County are 50 after receiving these nine positive cases today and removing four individuals considered recovered. CCPH will be removing several more of the active cases based on the OHA’s guidelines.
Please remember, it is important that we all follow the OHA and CDC guidelines and Governor’s directives about social distancing, wearing facial coverings in public buildings and protecting yourselves by staying home to slow the spread and save lives. CCPH will continue to keep the public informed with all the information we can in order to keep our citizens safe.