WRO Staff / Friday, Nov. 13, 2020 @ 5:24 p.m.
Two COVID Cases Newly Confirmed on the Yurok Reservation, Says Tribe

File photo.
Press release from the Yurok Tribe:
The Yurok Office of Emergency Services and Humboldt County health representatives are currently collaborating on the implementation of a comprehensive contact tracing investigation, following the confirmation of the first two COVID-19 cases on the Yurok Reservation.
The first case involved a nonresident who is currently receiving treatment at a local hospital. The second individual is experiencing mild symptoms and will quarantine at home for 14 days. To reduce the potential for additional COVID-19 transmissions, the joint contact tracing team is reaching out to a small number of people who have been in close proximity to the two individuals during the last two weeks. They will also be required to quarantine for two weeks. Yurok OES has offered resources to the individuals in isolation. There does not appear to be a link between the cases. In order to safeguard the confidentially of personal health records, the Yurok Tribe will not disclose any further details about either case.
“I would like to thank Humboldt County for assisting us with the contract-tracing investigation. We are working hard to restrict the spread of the virus and keep the community safe,” said Serene Hayden, the Yurok Tribe’s Incident Commander. “It is critically important for everyone to remain consistent in practicing all personal safety measures. I want to remind everyone that COVID-19 testing is available multiple times per week on both sides of the reservation.”
The COVID-19 virus has been circulating in the counties surrounding the reservation since March. The slow spread of the illness on the reservation is a testament to the Tribe’s early activation of the Incident Command Team and the enactment of several safety orders, which are intended to keep the community safe. Yurok Reservation residents’ devotion to practicing all of the recommended personal safety strategies has played an equally valuable role in this effort and is critical to its continued success.
Residents can find up-to-date information about the Tribe’s response to this crisis by visiting Yurokoes.org. Community members in need of assistance are encouraged to call the COVID-19 hotline at 1-888-225-8952.
The Yurok Office of Emergency Services strongly encourages residents to follow all personal safety recommendations:
- Maintain a minimum of 6-feet of personal space from individuals outside of the household
- Always wear a face covering outside of the home (Wash reusable mask frequently, only use single-use masks once)
- Do not attend gatherings large or small, including visiting extended family and friends
- Avoid all contact with anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms
- Disinfect common touch points in the home
- Practice cough and sneeze etiquette (cover your sneezes and coughs with your arm. Wash hands immediately after cough or sneeze for additional protection)
- Perform frequent handwashing – Wash hands every two hours for 20-30 seconds with water and soap)
- If you feel ill, please self-isolate and contact your medical provider
- Reminder: If you feel slightly unwell and have one or more of the common symptoms of COVID-19, it is advised to stay home from work