Jessica Cejnar / Tuesday, March 17, 2020 @ 5:26 p.m.
Lunches, Breakfasts Still Available to Youngsters During COVID-19 Emergency

Staff with DNUSD's Nutrition Services Department prepare turkey sandwiches for last summer's meal program. Director Deborah Kravitz on Sunday compared the task of feeding kids during the COVID-19 pandemic to the summer food program. Photo: Jessica Cejnar
From the Del Norte Unified School District Nutrition Services Department:
Greeting all DNUSD parents,
Throughout the duration of the school closures, which is currently scheduled for March 16 through April 10, the Nutrition Services and Transportation Departments at Del Norte County Unified school District will be collaborating to provide lunch and next day breakfast on a modified bus schedule at established bus stops. Bus drivers will have copies of the modified bus schedules for families as well as being posted on the district’s website.
Families picking up food for several children should consider bringing a grocery bag to carry the lunch and breakfast bags.
Lunch and next day breakfast will be available at each of our school sites from 11:00 am- 12:00 noon beginning Monday, March 16 th throughout the duration of school closure.
Both of these opportunities are available to all children 0-18 years of age. Your children need not be present at the bus stop or school for lunch and next day breakfast pick up however our staff welcomes the opportunity to greet the children in our community.
If you have any questions, please call Nutrition Services at 464-0246.
Please refer to the scheduled lunch and next day breakfast drop off times below. If you do not see your regular bus stop on the route, please contact Transportation at 464-0250.