John Ross Ferrara / Wednesday, July 8, 2020 @ 1:25 p.m. / Animals, Crime
Sheriff's Office Finds Baby Deer in Man's Trunk After Arresting Him for Animal Cruelty

A Del Norte Sheriff's Deputy poses with the rescued fawn. | DNCSO
Del Norte County Sheriff's Office press release:
On the evening of July 4th, deputies responded to a call regarding a man possibly abusing his dogs. When deputies arrived they made contact with Ian Slater.
Ian Slater. | DNCSO
Slater was from out of town and living in his vehicle along with his three large blood hounds. Upon investigation of the complaint Slater was arrested.
As Slater was being placed in the back of the patrol vehicle to be transported to the Del Norte County Jail he informed deputies that there was a live fawn in the trunk of his car. Slater explained that he had found the fawn on the side of the road and took the animal in an attempt to nurse the fawn back to health.
Deputies opened the trunk of Slater’s vehicle, and to their surprise, found a healthy, uninjured, and very young fawn lying quietly in the trunk.
The fawn was transported to a Fish & Game Officer who would later take the fawn to a nearby rehabilitation center.
The three dogs were also transported to the local agricultural building where they were given ample space to walk around as well as food and water. Slater was then taken to jail where he was booked on charges of animal cruelty and the unlawful taking of an animal.
It is unfortunate that animals were being subjected to abuse but we are grateful that the public called to report the circumstances.
We were able to remove the dogs and the fawn from an unsafe situation. As disturbing and shocking as some calls for service can be, we must also focus on the positive that comes from them.
The communities we serve enabled law enforcement to intervene, resulting in the rescue of three canines and a young deer. We posted a picture on social media because a living fawn is certainly one of the most unique discoveries we have ever found in the trunk of a car.