John Ross Ferrara / Monday, Dec. 7, 2020 @ 2:30 p.m. / COVID-19
Brookings Fred Meyer Pharmacy Offering COVID-19 Rapid Antibody Testing
The Fred Meyer Pharmacy in Brookings is now offering rapid antibody testing for anyone that may have been exposed to COVID-19 and is not currently experiencing symptoms.

Fred Meyer’s parent company Kroger initially announced in late October that the testing was available at select pharmacies in California and Michigan. More than a month later, the testing is now available at all Kroger pharmacies across the U.S.
The $25 tests, which are supplied by Whitmire Medical, reportedly take 15 minutes to yield results and are administered on-site by healthcare professionals.
“Kroger Health's rapid antibody tests are conducted by a licensed health professional using a fingerstick blood sample and the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device, a rapid lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay (configured like a blood sugar test) to detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2,” Kroger stated in a press release. “The test was first authorized by the FDA for emergency use in July and further authorized for broader point-of-care use in September. Kroger is the first retailer to offer the testing solution to its customers.”
Those wishing to schedule a rapid antibody test can do so on the Fred Meyer website.
“Research is still underway to determine how long antibodies are present following infection and if the presence of antibodies provides protective immunity,” Kroger stated. “Regardless of the testing result, all patients should continue to practice FDA-recommended safety guidelines, including social distancing and wearing masks. The Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test should not be used to diagnose an active infection, as the test only detects antibodies developed in response to the virus, not the virus itself.”