Jessica Cejnar / Friday, Aug. 28, 2020 @ 11 a.m. / Celebrity, Community
Film Crew Will Be at Preston Island, Brother Jonathan, B Street Pier and the Jetty, CCPD Says

A film crew will be in Crescent City today shooting a commercial.
From Facebook post by Crescent City Police Chief Richard Griffin:
Please be aware that we have a film crew in town today shooting a commercial. The Crescent City Police Department will be assisting with site security and some intermittent traffic control throughout the day. The crew has received permits from the city and county for all sites and they will have a compliance officer on scene to make sure all Covid restrictions are followed as well. The areas in the city that will be affected are Preston Island, Brother Jonathan parking lot, B Street Pier and the Jetty access. Not all areas will be closed off at one time though.