Jessica Cejnar / Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2020 @ 6:19 p.m.
Redwood NP Seeks Comment On Proposed New Trail

Site of the proposed Centennial Grove and Berry Glen Connector trails. Photo courtesy of Redwood National Park
Hikers may have a new trail to explore at Redwood National Park.
Officials are seeking public input on environmental documents related to a one-mile long trail at U.S. 101 and Bald Hills Road. From a Friday news release:
CRESCENT CITY, Calif. — Redwood National Park seeks public comments on an Environmental Assessment (EA) for construction of a new hiking trail located off Hwy. 101 and Bald Hills Road. The approximate one-mile-long trail, called the Centennial Grove Trail and Berry Glen Connector Trail, will lead visitors through old-growth redwood forests and link into the California Coastal Trail, a network of trails that attempts to connect 1,200 miles of California coastline.
The public is invited to review the EA and provide comments during the 30-day public review period through Sept. 17, 2020. You may view and/or download a copy of the Environmental Assessment and learn more about the project here:
Public comments may be submitted by:
- Online through the park Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website at
- By U.S. mail to the following address:
Superintendent, Redwood National Park, 1111 Second St., Crescent City, Calif. 95531 Attn.: Centennial Trail EA
Before including an address, phone number, email address or other personal identifying information in your comment, be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time.
For more information about the natural and cultural resources, recreational and educational opportunities, and current conservation projects at Redwood National and State Parks, visit us at, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram