John Ross Ferrara / Thursday, April 30, 2020 @ 12:45 p.m. / Fire

Crescent City Fire Extinguishes 'Suspicious' Fire That Destroyed Two Trailers at Elk Valley Storage

Photos of the fire provided by Crescent City Fire and Rescue.

Crescent City Fire and Rescue press release:

An early morning fire broke out at Elk Valley Storage, 208 Elk Valley Road. The fire was reported at 2:04 a.m.

Crescent City Fire and Rescue arrived to find heavy fire burning in a group of travel trailers stored within the gated storage yard.

Fire personnel cut through a fence to operate a security gate to allow firefighters and engines to access the fire. It was found that two fifth-wheel travel trailers parked approximately two feet apart were fully involved with fire, with fire spreading to an additional travel trailer on the east side of the fire, and another on the west side adjacent to a storage container.

Firefighters used two different fire hose lines to attack the fire from different locations, and to protect other nearby trailers. Due to the close spacing of the burning trailers and neighboring trailers, access was challenging.

As the fire was knocked down, a person on site told responders that several propane cylinders were stored in one of the trailers that fire had been spreading to. This was checked by on scene crews. Propane cylinders were also located between the storage container and a threatened trailer.

Crescent City Fire and Rescue responded to the scene with two engines, a water tender and duty officer, and CALFIRE responded with an engine.

The 13 firefighters on scene had the fire knocked down within 20 minutes, and spent an additional hour putting out hotspots in the burned trailers.

Pelican Bay State Prison Fire Department helped additional Crescent City Fire and Rescue personnel provide coverage to the rest of the jurisdiction from Washington Fire Station.

The trailers appeared to have been on site for quite some time based on other trailers and materials stored around them. Fire loss and damage was estimated at $10,000, with the two main trailers being a total loss.

The fire is suspicious. There were no injuries reported to bystanders, or to the 13 volunteer and career firefighters who fought the fire.


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