John Ross Ferrara / Monday, July 22, 2019 @ 1:06 p.m. / Hardly News, Weather

(PHOTO) Purty Fogbow Seen Over Gold Beach

Photo of the fogbow provided by the Gold Beach Visitor Center.

The Gold Beach Visitor Center shared this photo of a big, beautiful fogbow arching over the Curry County coast this morning.

Meteorologist Brett Lutz with the National Weather Service’s Medford Office told the Wild Rivers Outpost that a fogbow, or white rainbow, is similar to a typical rainbow, but formed with smaller water droplets.

“The water vapor in the air is scattering the light, but with a rainbow it’s actually raindrops,” Lutz said. “The droplet size is much smaller. It’s almost similar to a halo around the moon or a sun dog, in those cases they are ice crystal clouds.”

Lutz said that fogbows tend to have some color like the one seen in Gold Beach today, with reddish hues on the outside and shades of blue on the inside.

Warm sunny weather is forecast for Del Norte and Curry Counties throughout the week with wind gusts between 10 and 30 mph in coastal areas.



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